
Friday, December 7, 2012

Smoking hot...

Happy Friday y'all!  I am so very excited because Chad and I headed to Switzerland for our very last trip before we head back to the States.  We leave tomorrow afternoon for snow, Christmas markets and everything winter wonderland!  I can't wait to get back and blog all about it. 

Now you are probably wondering why I'm talking about Switzerland when the title of this post is "smoking hot".  Well I have to tell you about Chad and his Dad's purchases before his parents headed home.  First of all, let me say I am very much against smoking....cigarettes or anything else for that matter.  We all know it causes cancer, emphysema and other health conditions.  That being said, Chad has always had a fascination with pipes and loves how they smell.  This stemmed from his Papa (Cathy's dad) who smoked a pipe when Chad was little.  Chad has frequently told me how much he wishes he had Papa's pipes.
Papa and Big Mama
There is a pipe shop here in Dublin and each time we walked by it Chad would mention Papa and his pipe.  While his Dad was here they went in and bought Paul a new pipe.  Chad came home and I could tell he had wanted to buy one too.  I knew exactly what he was thinking...."I want one but Megan won't want me to".  Well I couldn't be that wife who tells her husband what he should and shouldn't do.  He's a big boy!  So while he was at work we went back to the pipe store and got him the one he wanted.  Chad was soooo surprised when he came home.  He never thought I would be ok with him smoking a pipe.

All this being said, I still have my same opinions about smoking.  Chad is a doctor as well and knows the risk.  I think this pipe is more of a novelty to have and maybe smoke once in a while.  I'm glad is makes him happy and brings back wonderful memories of Papa.   That night Chad and his Dad went out on our balcony and smoked their pipes.  While the smell wasn't quite as appealing to me, he loved every minute.   He hasn't smoked it since but just having it makes him happy...which makes me happy!
Look at that grin!

Also smoking hubby in his new snow boots for Switzerland and Irish wool hat.  He threatened me when I told him this picture was going on the blog but I told him he had no choice!  I love this man soooo much : )

Hope y'all have a fabulous weekend and I promise to post tons of snowy pictures when we get back from Switzerland!!


  1. My mamas dipped snuff while we was alive. Talk about gross! But I sometimes miss seeing her cans at papaw's house. Y'all have a wonderful time and I can't wait to see the photos when y'all return. And I feel your pain with the hubs and his "business" being on the blog. Thankful mine just shakes his head and says... "go ahead, I know you'll do it anyway." After all, it is "our" blog. =)

    1. Thanks Joy! Isn't is funny how the husbands get all fussy about being on the blog : ) It's not the National Enquirer!

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